FF 50 Plus gets, to my great surprise, mail!
I received a question regarding the best products to cover a scar. The following is my reply - just in case any of the info is useful to anyone else (I don't id the sender, as I did not have permission to do so:
Hi _______!
Sadly, I'm probably the person least qualified to answer your question, since I don't even wear makeup! (Note that I'm not saying I don't need it, I just don't wear it! )
However, in a effort to give you some kind of info, I did a few searches on the web to see if I could find anything helpful - as I'm sure you have probably done as well. I was surprised to find that there was so little info - surely this is not an uncommon problem!
I was however able to find a few things and I'm happy to share them with you:
On iVillage:
Cover Up Dark Scars:
They actually recommend a cosmetic called DermaColor and give how-to instructions on applying.
By the way, when searching for a link for DermaColor - http://www.kryolan.com/en/Home/Home.htm (I also found another link to StageandTheatreMakeup.com with a great how to on applying DermaColor - http://stageandtheatermakeup.com/kryolan.htm), I came across another a link for another coverage makeup - Dermablend - http://www.dermablend.com/search.aspx?cm_mmc=Google-_-Trademark_Brand-_-Broad-_-Dermablend
eHow also gave a how-to on covering a scar:
On What Not To Wear, they actually did a scar cover-up for one of their makeovers (the woman in question had heart surgery and wanted tips on covering the scar on her chest). Sadly, they do not have the video posted to their site! Still, check their message boards (http://community.discovery.com/eve/ubb.x/a/cfrm/f/7121920016) you may find a discussion of this issue with suggestions from folks who have faced the same problem.
Bobbi Brown's book
Bobbi Brown Living Beauty ( http://www.amazon.com/dp/0821258346/ref=s9_asin_image_1/104-0457827-5551145?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=center-1&pf_rd_r=03WCDC050QK3XZ60GRG3&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=278240701&pf_rd_i=507846) gives a how-to as well on covering a scar - however it's just a couple of paragraphs so if you're not really in the market for a makeup book (through this appears to be a good one which I'm intending to pick-up myself!) just get it at the public library and copy the page!
Bobbi does, however, have an extensive line of coverage products that I have heard good things about about. They can be purchased on line at http://www.bobbibrowncosmetics.com/. Her products can be found at Macy's and Neiman Marcus as well.
You might drop a note to the writers of the following blogs - they could probably give you better recommendations than I have:
The shopping diva, Kathryn Finney (The Budget Fashionista) has a Ask TBF page - http://www.thebudgetfashionista.com/ask.php - where you can post your question.
Angie at the wonderful YouLookFab (http://www.youlookfab.com/) has an Ask Angie button right at the top of the page where you can send a question.
And at you can e-mail Terasa Morisco, Wardrobe 911 at the following address: askteresa@wardrobe911.com .
I wish I could have been of more assistance. Hang in there - you'll find the right solution that works for you!
If anyone else has any recommendations on this issue, please leave a comment on this post!