Saturday, May 19, 2007

Hop over to The New York Times Fashion and Style Web Page...

For an interesting, if elitist, article on the issue of "age appropriate" dressing for the over 40 woman....

Older, Better, but Harder to Dress

The elitist part? They only talk to and about women who can afford to buy designer togs!

But, when you get past and over that, the issues described are pretty much the same ones that every woman over 40 ends up facing - how to find something that won't make you look and feel older than you are.

Many of the points made in the article are right on - especially about the need for good tailoring in your clothes once you've passed a certain age. Let's face it ladies - all the exercise in the world, while very good for you, will not give you the tone and definition of a 20 year old in many parts of your bod! Finding the right kind of tailoring details is particularly challenging for those of us who can't afford a $1000 plus for a dress or jacket - the article hits the nail on the head regarding the lack of good tailoring in most mass produced garments.

Don't pass on the slide show that is available on the left of the article - the outfits shown give great ideas that, with a bit of shopping patience and relentless honesty about your particular body challenges, can be reproduced for a reasonable price.

Do yourself a fav and check it out!

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