Thursday, April 05, 2007

Go Crocs!

You've seen them - those rubber dutch clog type shoes that look oh so comfortable (and they must be, since nurses swear by them!) - but hardly stylish!

Well watch out - 'cause Crocs has come out with a ballet flat that definitely ups their style quotient!

Hop over to $50 Suit for a great post on these darling new shoes:

Crocs Break the Mold

Ms. Tamara's idea about these being great walk to work shoes gets my vote!

(And if you'd like to see the yellow Diesel sneakers she refers to as her gone, but not forgotten walk to work shoes, check out her post In Someone Else's Shoes. Her comment on Chicago style is particularly insightful - We here in Chi-town are aware of, like and do fashion - but are not slaves to it, especially when it comes to what to wear for our weather!)

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